Focusing On Real Value Of Tech Growth

Feb 1, 2023

3 min read

Discover the never-ending cycle of tech growth and how it creates problems instead of solving them. Learn how to break out of the vicious circle and focus on creating real value, by being mindful, choosing what truly matters and focusing on a specific problem. A guide to a better and more fulfilling tech industry.

As a person who has struggled to work in tech growth for a few years, I have been thinking a lot about the various "software, growth marketing, B2B, and even metaverse" topics and the position I am in. Honestly, while everything in this world can be exciting at first, after a while you may start to feel cold at the same rate or even disgusted. What are we doing exactly?

One of the things that really bothers me is the vicious circle that seems to be at play. To give a simple example, small startups emerge today that claim to do their job better than conventional banks and focus on more specific problems. Then, we try to use 5 different startups instead of a single bank, and finally we get tired and continue to look for a more comprehensive product. We do this with dozens of investment networks, marketing strategies, identical products, and sales tactics that revolve around them.

And of course, as a result of this vicious circle, we constantly create new problems for ourselves, act as if we have found a solution to them, and continue to sell to each other. Did you really need to download a stupid app from the market that could lead to your account being hacked, just to see who unfollowed you on Instagram? Or to change a post you saw on LinkedIn and share it as your own?

It seems like we are caught in a never-ending cycle of creating and solving problems that may not even exist in the first place. And in the process, we waste time, money, and energy on things that may not even matter.

So what can we do about it? How can we break out of this vicious circle and start focusing on creating real value and solving real problems?

One possibility is to stop chasing the latest trends and fads and start focusing on what truly matters. Instead of jumping on the bandwagon of every new startup or product that comes along, we should carefully consider whether it is actually useful and valuable. We should also be more critical of the hype and buzz surrounding certain technologies and ideas, and look for the real substance behind them.

Another possibility is to stop trying to be everything to everyone, and instead focus on a specific problem or need. This means that instead of trying to be the next big thing, we should try to be the best at something specific. This way, we can create real value for a specific group of people, rather than trying to appeal to everyone and ultimately satisfying no one.

Finally, we should also try to be more mindful and conscious of our actions and choices. Instead of mindlessly following the latest trends, we should take a step back and think about what we are doing and why. We should ask ourselves whether our actions are truly aligned with our values and goals, and whether they are creating real value for ourselves and others.

By breaking out of the vicious circle of tech growth, we can create a more meaningful and fulfilling tech industry that truly serves the needs of people and society. Let's start the journey towards a better future today.

Focusing On Real Value Of Tech Growth

Feb 1, 2023

3 min read

Discover the never-ending cycle of tech growth and how it creates problems instead of solving them. Learn how to break out of the vicious circle and focus on creating real value, by being mindful, choosing what truly matters and focusing on a specific problem. A guide to a better and more fulfilling tech industry.

As a person who has struggled to work in tech growth for a few years, I have been thinking a lot about the various "software, growth marketing, B2B, and even metaverse" topics and the position I am in. Honestly, while everything in this world can be exciting at first, after a while you may start to feel cold at the same rate or even disgusted. What are we doing exactly?

One of the things that really bothers me is the vicious circle that seems to be at play. To give a simple example, small startups emerge today that claim to do their job better than conventional banks and focus on more specific problems. Then, we try to use 5 different startups instead of a single bank, and finally we get tired and continue to look for a more comprehensive product. We do this with dozens of investment networks, marketing strategies, identical products, and sales tactics that revolve around them.

And of course, as a result of this vicious circle, we constantly create new problems for ourselves, act as if we have found a solution to them, and continue to sell to each other. Did you really need to download a stupid app from the market that could lead to your account being hacked, just to see who unfollowed you on Instagram? Or to change a post you saw on LinkedIn and share it as your own?

It seems like we are caught in a never-ending cycle of creating and solving problems that may not even exist in the first place. And in the process, we waste time, money, and energy on things that may not even matter.

So what can we do about it? How can we break out of this vicious circle and start focusing on creating real value and solving real problems?

One possibility is to stop chasing the latest trends and fads and start focusing on what truly matters. Instead of jumping on the bandwagon of every new startup or product that comes along, we should carefully consider whether it is actually useful and valuable. We should also be more critical of the hype and buzz surrounding certain technologies and ideas, and look for the real substance behind them.

Another possibility is to stop trying to be everything to everyone, and instead focus on a specific problem or need. This means that instead of trying to be the next big thing, we should try to be the best at something specific. This way, we can create real value for a specific group of people, rather than trying to appeal to everyone and ultimately satisfying no one.

Finally, we should also try to be more mindful and conscious of our actions and choices. Instead of mindlessly following the latest trends, we should take a step back and think about what we are doing and why. We should ask ourselves whether our actions are truly aligned with our values and goals, and whether they are creating real value for ourselves and others.

By breaking out of the vicious circle of tech growth, we can create a more meaningful and fulfilling tech industry that truly serves the needs of people and society. Let's start the journey towards a better future today.

Focusing On Real Value Of Tech Growth

Feb 1, 2023

3 min read

Discover the never-ending cycle of tech growth and how it creates problems instead of solving them. Learn how to break out of the vicious circle and focus on creating real value, by being mindful, choosing what truly matters and focusing on a specific problem. A guide to a better and more fulfilling tech industry.

As a person who has struggled to work in tech growth for a few years, I have been thinking a lot about the various "software, growth marketing, B2B, and even metaverse" topics and the position I am in. Honestly, while everything in this world can be exciting at first, after a while you may start to feel cold at the same rate or even disgusted. What are we doing exactly?

One of the things that really bothers me is the vicious circle that seems to be at play. To give a simple example, small startups emerge today that claim to do their job better than conventional banks and focus on more specific problems. Then, we try to use 5 different startups instead of a single bank, and finally we get tired and continue to look for a more comprehensive product. We do this with dozens of investment networks, marketing strategies, identical products, and sales tactics that revolve around them.

And of course, as a result of this vicious circle, we constantly create new problems for ourselves, act as if we have found a solution to them, and continue to sell to each other. Did you really need to download a stupid app from the market that could lead to your account being hacked, just to see who unfollowed you on Instagram? Or to change a post you saw on LinkedIn and share it as your own?

It seems like we are caught in a never-ending cycle of creating and solving problems that may not even exist in the first place. And in the process, we waste time, money, and energy on things that may not even matter.

So what can we do about it? How can we break out of this vicious circle and start focusing on creating real value and solving real problems?

One possibility is to stop chasing the latest trends and fads and start focusing on what truly matters. Instead of jumping on the bandwagon of every new startup or product that comes along, we should carefully consider whether it is actually useful and valuable. We should also be more critical of the hype and buzz surrounding certain technologies and ideas, and look for the real substance behind them.

Another possibility is to stop trying to be everything to everyone, and instead focus on a specific problem or need. This means that instead of trying to be the next big thing, we should try to be the best at something specific. This way, we can create real value for a specific group of people, rather than trying to appeal to everyone and ultimately satisfying no one.

Finally, we should also try to be more mindful and conscious of our actions and choices. Instead of mindlessly following the latest trends, we should take a step back and think about what we are doing and why. We should ask ourselves whether our actions are truly aligned with our values and goals, and whether they are creating real value for ourselves and others.

By breaking out of the vicious circle of tech growth, we can create a more meaningful and fulfilling tech industry that truly serves the needs of people and society. Let's start the journey towards a better future today.




Last Update Jan 2023

Last Update Jan 2023

Last Update Jan 2023